Newborn Screening Practices for Beta-Thalassemia in the United States
by Michael A. Bender,Mary Hulihan,Mary Christine Dorley,Maria del Pilar Aguinaga,Jelili Ojodu andCareema Yusuf
Int. J. Neonatal Screen. 2021, 7(4), 83; - 2022
Cited by 12 | Viewed by 3493
Beta-thalassemia, a heritable condition of abnormal hemoglobin production, is not a core condition on the United States Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP) for state and territorial newborn screening (NBS) programs. However, screening for sickle cell disease (which is on the core RUSP) also detects reduced or absent levels of hemoglobin (Hb) A and certain other Hb variants associated with beta-thalassemia and, thus, allows for a timely referral to appropriate healthcare to minimize sequalae of the disease. The Association of Public Health Laboratories’ Hemoglobinopathy Workgroup administered a comprehensive survey of all U.S. NBS programs to assess beta-thalassemia testing methodologies, the cutoffs for defining beta-thalassemia major, and the reporting and follow-up practices. Forty-six (87%) of the programs responded. Thirty-nine of the 46 responding programs (85%) report some form of suspected beta-thalassemia; however, the screening methods, the percentage of Hb A used as a cutoff for an indication of beta-thalassemia major, and the screening follow-up vary widely. The standardization of technical and reporting procedures may improve access to specialty care prior to severe complications, increase genetic counseling, and provide data needed to better understand the public health impact and clinical outcomes of beta-thalassemia in the United States. Full article
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Open AccessTechnical Note
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