Application of a Novel Algorithm for Expanding Newborn Screening for Inherited Metabolic Disorders across Europe
by Simon A. Jones,David Cheillan,Anupam Chakrapani,Heather J. Church,Simon Heales,Teresa H. Y. Wu,Georgina Morton,Patricia Roberts,Erica F. Sluys andAlberto Burlina
Int. J. Neonatal Screen. 2022, 8(1), 20; - 15 Mar 2022
Cited by 12 | Viewed by 4235
Inherited metabolic disorders (IMDs) are mostly rare, have overlapping symptoms, and can be devastating and progressive. However, in many disorders, early intervention can improve long-term outcomes, and newborn screening (NBS) programmes can reduce caregiver stress in the journey to diagnosis and allow patients to receive early, and potentially pre-symptomatic, treatment. Across Europe there are vast discrepancies in the number of IMDs that are screened for and there is an imminent opportunity to accelerate the expansion of evidence-based screening programmes and reduce the disparities in screening programmes across Europe. A comprehensive list of IMDs was created for analysis. A novel NBS evaluation algorithm, described by Burlina et al. in 2021, was used to assess and prioritise IMDs for inclusion on expanded NBS programmes across Europe. Forty-eight IMDs, of which twenty-one were lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs), were identified and assessed with the novel NBS evaluation algorithm. Thirty-five disorders most strongly fulfil the Wilson and Jungner classic screening principles and should be considered for inclusion in NBS programmes across Europe. The recommended disorders should be evaluated at the national level to assess the economic, societal, and political aspects of potential screening programmes. Full article
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