Freshwater ascomycetes from southern Australia: Melanascomaceae fam. nov., Melanascoma panespora gen. et. sp. nov., and Pleurothecium brunius sp. nov.
During a survey of freshwater fungi in temperate southern Australia, two new taxa were found, Melanascoma panespora and Pleurothecium brunius. Morphological and molecular data place Melanascoma panespora in the Diaporthomycetidae representing a new genus. Melanascoma, along with Proliferophorum and Paraproliferophorum, form a new lineage and the family Melanascomaceae is introduced. Phylogenetic analyses using ITS, 28S, and 18S nrRNA gene sequences,, along with morphological examination revealed Pleurothecium brunius to be a new species of Pleurothecium, sister to P. aquaticum.
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15 pages, 3920 KiB
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S.C. Fryar, D.E.A. Catcheside.